Monday, March 22, 2010

Edward Harris. Nov.13,1936-.Mar20,2010

I want to tell you abouta man, who is known by many names husband,
father, freind, mentor and many more. He started out as a poor dirt
farmer then got a job in a cheese factory, then when a bunch of boys
came along he got a job as a truck driver. For almost 40 years he
pushed a truck up and down the interstate covering almost every state
of union.
He taught me how to do a full days work, how when you give your word
to someone you stand by it no matter what. There were so many things
that he taught me that I can't think of them all.
The most important thing that I got from him was that his kids were
the most important things in his life. It didn't matter if I called
him in the middle of the night from half way around the world it was
never to late to talk
To many people he was a good friend, to me he was also a mentor,
teacher,confindent,but most of he was my dad. Ed Harris was more than
that he was my HERO
I love you dad

Sent from my mobile device

Monday, March 8, 2010


it is amazing to me that in the last 30 years we have gone from the phone on the wall that is connected by a wire to having your computer in your pocket almost I have the blackberry and it is just short of being a full computer. I look around and see so many things that at one time was just fiction. when I was a kid my granddad never belive that we would be on the moon

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is my first blog

Starting something new....will have more posts in the future. The politics of today are deemed by people that don't want to follow them for themselves.